by Lulu Bea | Jul 11, 2023 | Lulu's Posts
Tell me if this sounds familiar: You try to be helpful and accommodating to others, which leads to you saying YES when you really mean NO. You fear hurting their feelings or being perceived as selfish, so you sacrifice your own well-being and personal boundaries....
by Lulu Bea | Jan 26, 2023 | Lulu's Posts
If you’re like me, you’ve probably wondered how to fit everything you want to do into one day. Have you heard of habit stacking? It’s something I recently started trying out, and it feels pretty good! Let me tell you more about it and how I’ve incorporated it...
by Lulu Bea | Dec 13, 2022 | Lulu's Posts
Winter can be a difficult time of year – cold temperatures, snow and ice, and shorter days all conspire to make us want to stay inside. Tell me if you can relate – I’ve been feeling unmotivated, unfocused, and withdrawn. In fact, I’ve never felt more in tune...
by Lulu Bea | Sep 15, 2022 | Lulu's Posts
I recently finished a 3-day intensive with Maestra Rita of the Otomi Indigenous community of Metaxi, Mexico about Curandismo: The Art of Mexican Folk Healing. It was powerful, potent and life-affirming. I got hands-on experience in ceremonies and rituals and witnessed...
by Lulu Bea | Jan 4, 2020 | Lulu's Posts
“Some of the most compassionate people are also the most boundaried… Boundaries are not fake walls, not separation, they’re not division. They are respect for what’s ok and what’s not ok for me.” I love what Brene Brown has to say about boundaries. I’ve been...