Unlock Your Creative Gifts


Feel more creative, confident, and free to express yourself.


Join a class today and become the artist you came to be!


Hi. I’m Lulu, and I’m here to help you step into your destiny.

You want more peace, balance, and hope. That’s why you’re on a journey of self-discovery. You want clear direction and to know your time here matters.

It’s time to live your life on your terms, and I’m here to give you the supportive nudge you need.

You’re not told how powerful your creative energy is, but I believe it’s how your spirit yearns to express itself to awaken all parts of your whole. I offer a potent, yet gentle way to shift into a deeper place within yourself. This work joins the intuitive world of creativity with the logistical world of organization and planning – all of which are needed for living a life of balance and purpose.

You’re here to show up as your whole self to light up this big, beautiful world. It’s time for you to come alive!

Start Your Transformational Journey

Grab a Gratitude Journal

Happiness is a mindset.

If you don’t already have one, I invite you to grab one of my gratitude journals.

Research shows that a gratitude practice can improve one’s health, career, social life, personal life and emotional well-being. (Crazy!)

Adopting an “Attitude of Gratitude” changed my life. So much so that I created the “Gratitude Journal for Teens & Adults.”

It’s a 52-week guide that will help make gratitude part of your daily routine, so you can live your life with more intention, mindfulness, and start reaping the benefits of gratitude today. (And it’s only $7.99 on Amazon! Go get it!!)

Take A Soul Inspiring Class

Soul Journey Journal Series 1

Experience a transformational and healing journey through the world of art and creativity.

I adore combining creativity with personal/spiritual development. It’s helped me integrate life lessons quicker, heal at a deep level, and make the difficult times easier to bear. I’ve experienced this, my clients have experienced this, and I want this for you too.

No art experience required (but if you’re an experienced creative, you’ll gain new insights too!)

Soul Journey Journal Series 2

Calling all creative souls! The Soul Journey Journal is back for a second edition, offering all new transformational lessons and inspiration. This series of classes feature new art techniques and teachings that will help uncover what’s holding you back from achieving your goals and dreams. It’ll give you that gentle push you may need to face your fears and take inspired action!

*You don’t need to complete the first series before this one. Both Soul Journey Journal series offer their own personal, spiritual, and creative growth in fun and inspiring ways.

Join Lulu In Person

Retreat Yourself!

Step away from the daily grind and be renewed by our retreats designed for women just like you.

We offer a variety of workshops in different mediums such as painting, writing, dancing, meditation, and more. Our goal is for each woman who attends to leave feeling empowered and motivated after spending some much-needed time alone or connecting with other women who are looking for the same thing – inspiration!

You’ll leave feeling refreshed and excited, full of new ideas on how to live a creative & authentic life.

All this in one weekend? Yes, please!

Connect with Lulu

New Creative Happenings On Instagram!

One of the many reasons I love subscribing to @studioworksacademy is the art lessons inspired by old artists or art movements. Not only do I learn new art techniques, but I learn history❣️ #winning 

Thank you @ivynewport for this lesson inspired by the Rococo artistic movement of the 18th century. 🙏

This portrait uses pastel pencils on toned tan paper. I love a good limited supply piece of artwork! 😍

#portraitart #pastelpainting #pastelportrait #rococo
I learned how to draw hair in the class with @derek_mcclure_art in Let’s Face It 2025. ✍️

I’m so glad I signed up for this year long course all about making portraits❣️ 

Not only do I learn new techniques, but I get introduced to new artists. My goal this year is to level up my portrait skills, and I do believe that is happening. 🥰

Having weekly lessons is also keeping me more disciplined and distracted from doom scrolling, because yesterday I was so angry and sad with what’s happening here in the USA. 😭 I turned to art to feel better. Dancing last night also helped. 

I hope you’re doing well and doing what you need to take care of yourself!! 🙏

#letsfaceit2025 #portraitdrawing #portraitart #graphitedrawing #pencildrawing
Wishing you a happy holiday season from my family to yours ❤️
When the world around you feels chaotic, do what you can to help your own inner peace. 🙏

I’m turning to art to keep myself in a happy place. I finished this portrait drawing yesterday. It’s made with graphite and pastel. ❤️

#portraitdrawing #pastelart #portrait
Learn Zouk dancing with @algozouk on Thursdays in the Twin Cities, MN area❣️ 

Level 1 (Beginner) at 7pm, Level 2 (Intermediate) at 8pm. We look forward to seeing you there 🥳 

#minneapolis #zoukdance #zouk #danceclass

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