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Hey goal-getter! A new year’s begun and you’re probably thinking about your New Year’s resolutions or how you’re going to better yourself in the coming year. Well, before you start planning out your goals, there are a few things to take into account. Here are some tips on how to set yourself up for the year so you can achieve your goals!

1.  Review your goals from last year

One way to stay on top of your game is by re-evaluating what you’ve done in the past. Reviewing last year’s goals can help give insight into what worked or which areas need more focus when it’s time to create your new goals.

Writing prompts:

  • What was successful last year?
  • What didn’t work out so well?

2.  Celebrate your wins, learn from your losses

Reviewing old goals isn’t just about how much progress was made – it’s about seeing those efforts with fresh eyes. By looking back, you can view things with a new perspective and understand how/why things went the way they did. Being able to give depth & meaning to each accomplishment and loss is part of the growing process – this is how your life becomes intentional.

Writing prompts:

  • What am I proud of from last year?
  • What did I learn from the things that didn’t go as I planned/wanted?

3.  Pick goals to keep & goals to get rid of

If you’re like most people, your goals have evolved over the years. What was important last year may not be relevant now, or there are new insights into an old goal that need expanding upon altogether. It’s important to be self-aware and honest with yourself. Sometimes you need a little time away from an old goal in order to evolve into the ones that are more aligned with your true passions.

Writing prompts:

  • Which goals do I want to let go of?
  • Which ones are still in alignment or need refinement?

4. Brainstorm new goals for this year

One of the best ways I’ve found to set goals for myself is by brainstorming new ones and then categorizing them into five main categories. This helps me to live a more well-rounded life with balanced habits, which in turn makes it easier to achieve my goals!

The 5 categories are:

  1. Personal Development: skills you want to learn & develop
  2. Spiritual Development: ways to feel more connected/grounded, how you want to show up in the world
  3. Relationships: activities & experiences to do with the people who are important to you
  4. Health/Self-Care: physical, nutritional & emotional wellbeing
  5. Fun: things you like doing or want to try

Writing prompts:

  • What are new goals that sound interesting to me this year?
  • What are goals for each of the 5 main categories?

5. Create a plan

It’s time to narrow down your goals and make a plan. I recommend starting with 1 goal from each main category and then breaking down each goal into the mini-goals or steps that will get you there. This will make it way easier when it comes time to add the goals to your schedule.

Writing Prompts:

  • Which goals interest me most at this time?
  • What are the steps needed to achieve each goal?

6. Schedule your goals & track your progress

The secret to achieving your goals is in the steps. There are many ways of going about it, but I recommend starting small. Adding just 1 main category each month will allow you enough room for adjustment, as well as give yourself a kickstart on the new way of life that’s in store. Remember, this isn’t just about achieving goals – it’s about transforming into someone who lives a healthier and more balanced lifestyle than ever before!

Use deadlines with each goal to have something you’re working towards. Without a target end date, it’s too easy to waste time. At the end of each month, review your progress and make adjustments as needed. Celebrate each action taken, and have grace for yourself when you fall off course. Life happens, and that’s ok!

Writing prompts:

  1. What is the deadline to achieve each goal? (By a  certain date? In 6 months?)
  2. What can I eliminate from my schedule that will allow me to focus on my goals?

Monthly reflection questions:

  • What went well?
  • Where did I struggle?
  • What did I learn?
  • What do I need to adjust for next month?

    In Conclusion

    Taking time to review and plan before setting new goals will help you set realistic expectations for the future while also providing a reminder that success is possible with hard work! One of my favorite ways to do this is with Leonie Dawson’s Goal Getter Workbooks. I love these workbooks because they’re colorful, introspective, and super easy to use. Whether you’re focused on life or biz, they make goal-setting fun again. I’ve been using them for years and years and always recommend them. Check them out and see what you think!

    To learn more about how Lulu picks her goals & finds the time to fit it all in, check out her Ignite Your Life signature system.

    The Ignite Your Life goal setting and scheduling system will help you create a clear path toward your goals and dreams, and help you find the time to pursue them! This workbook contains everything you need to design your ideal life – from creating an actionable vision for yourself to setting goals, defining values, and mapping out how success looks for each area of your life. By using this system you’ll be able to clarify what’s most important so that when it comes time to make decisions about where you spend time, money, or energy, they’re aligned with who you really are and want to become.

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