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We are at the dawn of welcoming a new type of woman into the world.

This isn’t just any type of woman. This is one we haven’t seen before.

She is rising out of the everyday, the ordinary, the mundane.
She is no longer content to give only to others. She wants more for herself too.

She is smart, capable, and tuned into more than the eye can see.
She will no longer hide all the sides that makeup her essential whole.

She is the Evolved Woman

She desires

  • Work-life balance
  • Time and space for creativity
  • Better focus
  • More organization
  • Deeper relationships
  • Improved health
  • More confidence

She knows

  • She needs to take better care of herself
  • What she’s doing isn’t working
  • It’s time to show her whole self to the world
  • She’s here to do more and BE more

She is

  • Ready to be more fully present
  • Looking for community and accountability
  • Ready to take action and do the work to create a better life for herself and her family

The Evolved Woman lives in an abundant world. The time of self sacrifice is over.

She is no longer content choosing this-or-that because she lives in a world of this/and

She can raise a family, run a business and pursue her own interests.
 She is logical and intuitive.
 She is analytical and creative.
 She is firm and caring.
 She is responsible and playful.

She is full of quirky contradictions and that’s what sets her apart

The Evolved Woman is ready to stand up and take charge of her life so she can be successful in her business, connected to her family, and fulfill her own dreams.

Welcome to a new world of women who can do it all, be it all, and be excited to live it all.

I am happy you’re here.

~ Lulu

Ready to Ignite Your Life?

Join the premiere Group Mastermind Progam for soulful women and professionals who want to run a happy home, have a thriving career, and be soul fulfilled so they can be of service and make a difference in the world.

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