Lulu's Posts

How life is working in your favor

How life is working in your favor

The people who are most confident in their abilities and strengths often have a history full of overcoming obstacles. They’ve managed to use their experiences as lessons instead of using them as excuses to quit. These people aren’t special or possess unique...
How to find life purpose

How to find life purpose

Finding one’s “life purpose” has become an experience of frustration instead of a journey of discovery for many people. Why do we believe there’s 1 great mission out there for each of us to accomplish? That until we find that one true purpose we’re just wasting...
5 Reasons to Attend Perigord Retreats

5 Reasons to Attend Perigord Retreats

The internet is a marvel! Thanks to online classes, I’ve been exposed to many wonderful creative teachers from around the world. One such teacher is Ivy Newport. Ivy’s not only a highly skilled portrait artist, but a genuinely kind and caring human being too. When she...
8 Ways to Embody & Connect with Your Soul

8 Ways to Embody & Connect with Your Soul

We all have a deep inner voice that sometimes gets drowned out by the noise of daily life. A voice that speaks the truth and whispers our authentic desires. It’s easy to forget our connection to our soul when we’re juggling work, family, and everything in...
6 Ways to Embody & Embrace Your Body

6 Ways to Embody & Embrace Your Body

You’ve heard the sentiment – “Take care of your body. You only get one.” You know you should eat more fruits and vegetables, and have a consistent workout routine.Yes, physical health is important, but we can’t forget about the deeper...
How to Embody & Embrace Your Mind

How to Embody & Embrace Your Mind

We spend our whole lives inside our heads listening to our own thoughts. Yet most people don’t make it a place they like living. Your mind is a powerful tool that not only creates the reality you live in, but also the type of person you want to be. The Embodied...